
MAKE 100! Mind Astray - A Sketchbook by Nathan Lueth

Created by Nathan Lueth

A sketch collection, featuring my favorite sketches, commissions, and illustrations from the past year.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Do you even Cthulhu?
about 3 years ago – Sat, Jan 29, 2022 at 04:34:57 AM

Ooo boy, do I have something special for you today!!

So last update, I mentioned that the third and final installment of the Cthulhu Is Hard To Spell anthology was coming soon, and I mentioned that I was once again a contributor.


Today, for your comic reading enjoyment, I present to you a sampler of not one, not two, but all three anthologies!

Whether you've backed one of my Kickstarters or not, this is my thanks to you for following along with all my nonsense!


Not only that, but if you  CLICK HERE, you can download my aforementioned contribution to Cthulhu Is Hard To Spell, A Matter of Significance.

Two founding fathers of modern speculative fiction, H.P. Lovecraft and J.R.R. Tolkien, square off in an existential battle over humanity's place in the cosmos. Who will win? Or worse, who will you find yourself agreeing with?

And, if Mind Astray makes it to 100 backers, I will be including the process sketches for A Matter of Significance in the sketchbook!

And, if you like epic Game of Thrones-style fantasy for mature readers, might I recommend Gage and the Dragon's Tear by Patrick Kellner and company?

Dar Haster, General of the Farrington army has been marked for death! But who wants him dead and why? First he'll have to survive an onslaught by a raiding party from the waste lands if he wants to find out! And things just escalate from there!

CLICK HERE to check 'em out!

As for me, this has probably been my most chill Kickstarter experience to date. I always enjoy launching and bringing people new things, but it also takes a lot of time and energy to be on the campaign trail. My personal goal with this one was to keep it a little more manageable, and so far that has definitely been working out for me. I hope you've been catching that vibe as well. There's enough stress in the world as it is.

More soon.

Till then, be good!

But not too good 😉

- Nathan

CAN we make 100?
about 3 years ago – Tue, Jan 25, 2022 at 08:16:28 PM

Woo Hoo!!

Mind Astray, my first ever sketchbook collection, has had a fantastic opening weekend!

Check out this quick video I made about what's up, what's next, and a special milestone bonus waiting in the wings for fans of the Cthulhu Mythos. If we can get to 100 backers, that is!

And while we're talking Kickstarters, might I recommend to you Legends of the Realm #1: The Floated Dream by ridiculously upbeat fellow comics-dad, Jack Holder.

The king has tasked his new mage with a quest. To venture through the realm of Dannisfire, and present him with a new miracle. For Camriddeon, it is a test of his abilities, and a chance to view the wonders of the land.

Camriddeon's adventure starts in the floating city of Providentia. A new city that defies logic, reason, and perhaps even reality. Is this a new paradise, the model for the kingdom? Or is not everything as it seems?

CLICK HERE to check out Legends of the Realm

18 days and counting!

Not gonna lie, when I sat down and plotted out all the things I wanted to accomplish in 2022, I wondered if I was biting off more than I can chew. But this launch is making me think I might be able to pull it off.

Time to lean in and rock out!

Be good!

But not too good 😉

- Nathan