Proofs approved!
about 3 years ago
– Wed, Feb 23, 2022 at 12:59:50 AM
Hey hey!
Just wanted to let you know that I braved a Minnesota blizzard today, just to approve the proofs for Mind Astray! And I must say they are looking fine!
And just 10 days after the Kickstarter wrapped! There's definitely something to this whole printing locally thing.
Should have the final product in hand next week and then fulfillment can truly begin! I can't wait to start doing commissions and sticking stuff in mailers!
In the meantime, I wanted to let you know that the long anticipate launch of Cthulhu Is Hard to Spell 3: Battle Royale has begun!
It's the old gods versus the eldritch in this 180 page hardcover monstrosity, featuring 34 short stories from +75 creators (including yours truly). Invader Zim artist, Aaron Alexovich returns on the cover, and this book even comes with it's own theme song!
The past two books are available via the Kickstarter, AND you can download a 90 page sampler. Whether you're a new comer to the mythos, or you've long since sworn allegiance to the crawling outer chaos, there is something for all levels of Lovecraftian interest!
CLICK HERE to get your tentacles over there!
Cthulhu will keep you warm for this last month or two of winter!
More soon!
Till next time, be good!
But not too good 😉
- Nathan
Post campaign, week 1
about 3 years ago
– Fri, Feb 18, 2022 at 08:25:35 PM
Wanted to drop in and keep you all in the loop about fulfillment progress for Mind Astray! Overall, I'm pleased to report that it's so far, so good!
•The Avatar Collection and the First 100 Backer Bonus Bundles have all been distributed via Kickstarter's messaging system. Check your inbox for quick and easy download links!
•The order for the physical books has been placed with the printer! Hoping to have the books in hand within the next couple of weeks!
•Backerkit Surveys will be going out early next week! So keep your eyeballs on your inbox!
And lastly, click here for the latest installment of my ongoing series, in which I thank every single backer. Also further update details. And I drink coffee.
I cannot say it enough, thanks to each and every person who backed this project. It was honestly kind of an experiment that I wanted to throw out there. I wasn't sure that it would fly and I am immensely pleased with the results.
I hope you have an awesome weekend!
The final day!
about 3 years ago
– Sat, Feb 12, 2022 at 07:13:51 AM
Woot! 36 hours to go! A day and a half remain to back Mind Astray! My first ever sketchbook Kickstarter is ending tomorrow (Saturday) at midnight!
I've gotten some awesome bonuses lined up if we can get over 100 backers, including 12 extra process pages and free sketch cards for everyone! But the bonus digital comics bundle is only for the first 100 backers. As of right now, we are just 11 people shy of that threshold. It's do or die time! Can we make it? It's gonna be a nail biter, but it's entirely within the realm of possibility!
Secondly, you may be thinking, "Surely the Kickstarter can't be the only thing he's doing right now. What else is going on?" To which I say, don't call me Shirley. But yes, behind the scenes I have been busy plugging away at overhauling my website(s)! I will most likely be asking you to try to break it soon, but for now here's a sneak peak!
There's some hints in there about what else is coming down the road too 😉
Lastly, though my Kickstarter may be wrapping up, others March on! I've shouted out Matt & Steph of Insymmetry Creations before and by the gods I will do it again! Because they deserve it! Their latest campaign HEIRS OF ISILDUR: The Perilous Prospects has already funded on Kickstarter and they are on to crushing their stretch goals!
The apocalypse is rumbling across the steampunk world of Shadow's Haven, and the only way to stop it might be through those that inadvertently caused it.
Boy does that feel familiar...
Good thing it's Friday! Have a good weekend and I'll catch you next week!
Till then, be good!
But not too good 😉
- Nathan
4 Days Left!
about 3 years ago
– Tue, Feb 08, 2022 at 04:28:04 PM
There are just 4 days left in the Mind Astray Kickstarter campaign and, overall, this has been the most chill I've ever felt doing a Kickstarter. With the Impure Blood campaigns there was this overwhelming pressure to post on social media everyday, send out email blasts and updates 3 times a week, and hit refresh on my KS dashboard every other hour.
With this one, there has been a delightful confident calm about the endeavor. I felt like everything was on track and going according to plan. Every campaign is a little bit different, but I really hope I get to take some of this one with me going forward.
That said, with just 4 days left, I'm really hoping we can get to 100 backers. Which is why, in addition to the 12 bonus process pages of my Tolkien Vs. Lovecraft short story for Cthulhu is Hard to Spell 3, I will be including a free random sketch card from Mind Astray with all physical rewards!
Maybe you'll get this sweet Harley Quinn?
Or perhaps this bitchin' Steampunk Tinkerbell?
Or maybe everyone's favorite witch, Hermione?
I've heard it said that she has resting witch face, but I don't think that's fair.
At any rate, I really hope we get to 100 backers cause, let's be honest, I just like mailing lots of stuff.
In the meantime however, I have a super recommendation for you.
Super Best Friend by Jason Inman.
Mattie Moore loves superheroes. Unfortunately, one of his livestreams wrecked the life of his best friend, the superhero, Captain Terrific. Now, Mattie must enter the fantastic world of heroes and villains to repair his friendship. BUT WATCH OUT! A bitter arch enemy demands revenge! The Kickstarter also features a variant cover by Dan-Freaking-Jurgens, so if you're a fan of classic superhero tales (y'know, in which superheroes are actually good guys) then Super Best Friends is for you.
CLICK HERE to give it a gander.
And, if a deep dive into the fictional and real-world history of your favorite comic character seems like something you'd be interested in, you should check out his and his cohort Ashley's podcast, Geek History Lesson. I'm a regular listener and the knowledge I've gained has allowed me to convince even the most discerning gatekeeper that I am a dyed in the wool nerd-boy! Highly recommend!
Midnight Central Time on Saturday is when this whole thing wraps. I honestly cannot wait to dig in to some of these commissions. This has been a great couple of weeks. I truly do have an awesome audience.
More soon.
Till then, be good!
But not too good 😉
- Nathan
about 3 years ago
– Tue, Feb 01, 2022 at 05:57:09 PM
Got a very special video update and shoutout to everyone who has backed Mind Astray on Kickstarter, thus far.
CLICK HERE To check it out!
I'll do another thank you video after the campaign is done to thank everyone else who backs, so if you'd like to here your name read in my dulcet tones, here's your opportunity. Plus a bonus bundle of comics, plus 12 bonus pages of content if we can make it past 100 backers.
Could I sweeten this pot any further?
Let me know if you have any ideas ;)
In the meantime, if you like American history and folk lore, then boy do I have a book for you.
Granite State Punk, by Travis Gibb is the tale of Zeke, a young man who has just been released from prison and is now living in the last place he ever wanted to be... his dead parents' house. He has for years tried to drown out every ounce of the memories of this place and his messed-up childhood. Now he is forced to confront it and the revelation that his past is filled with the occult and dark magic.
CLICK HERE to see for yourself.
As for Mind Astray, we are at the halfway point! 11 days left and counting!
I have found that it helps to lift my spirits when I stop to think about all the things I'm grateful for. And right now I'm grateful for all the folks that are keeping this ball a-rolling.
What are you thankful for?
More soon.
Till then, be good!
But not too good 😉
- Nathan