MAKE 100! Mind Astray - A Sketchbook by Nathan Lueth
Created by Nathan Lueth
A sketch collection, featuring my favorite sketches, commissions, and illustrations from the past year.
Latest Updates from Our Project:
over 2 years ago
– Wed, Sep 14, 2022 at 12:47:45 PM
This is it!
Concrete Arcanum has officially launched on Kickstarter!
My most ambitious project to date, a 120 page anthology featuring 35 creators telling 20 tales about monsters and magic in the modern world. What would happen if the existence of magic and monsters became public knowledge?
CLICK HERE to go to the Kickstarter page and find out!
Not only that, but I'm also giving away free magic-emoji circle stickers to the first 100 physical backers! A free gift, just for backing!
And just in case that wasn't enough, everyone who backs within the first 3 days will be getting this bonus bundle of 5 more comics for backing at any level!
Here's the link to the Kickstarter page one more time!
We're off and rolling! It's going to be an exciting ride and I think you're going to like some of the awesome stuff we have in store for you!
More soon!
Till next time, be good!
But not too good 😉
- Nathan
The Canon of Vangel, Issue 1!
over 2 years ago
– Thu, Jul 07, 2022 at 05:37:18 PM
Just wanted to drop in and give you a heads up on where we are at with Mind Astray! I just have a few commissions left to wrap up but otherwise most of you should have received your rewards by now and this Kickstarter is 95% fulfilled!
And just in time too! Because my latest project, the Canon of Vangel, is launching next week!
And just in time, too! Because my next Kickstarter, The Canon of Vangel, Issue 1, launches NEXT WEEK!!
That's right! No rest for the wicked here! Just CLICK HERE and hit that "Notify Me" button to know as soon as we launch!
Ten years after a magical reawakening has thrown the modern world into chaos, a wandering Paladin must face her demons, help mundane folks navigate the strange new world, and pump the brakes on the apocalypse in progress!
Fans of Supernatural, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and The Dresden File are going to love The Canon of Vangel!
Plus, if we hit our funding goal within the first 24 hours, the couple backers whose commissions I haven't finished yet will have the satisfaction of watching me get a pie in the face.
For real, you guys. If you keep backing my projects, I'm just going to keep making them!
The Canon of Vangel launches Tuesday, July 12th!
Hope to see you there!
Impure Blood, Vol.4 arrives NEXT WEEK!
almost 3 years ago
– Tue, May 10, 2022 at 11:54:32 AM
Some great news from my printer came in yesterday! Impure Blood, Vol. 4 will be arriving at the warehouse in Saint Paul next week! That means that rewards from The Impure Blood Vol.4 Kickstarter, Mind Astray Kickstarter rewards that included IB4, and pre-ordersI've recieved online and at conventions, will all be fulfilled by the end of May! A full month ahead of schedule! Keep your eye on that mail box! There will be a shiny new book in there soon!
It's not too late to preorder! Just CLICK HERE to bop over to the store!
And to check out my latest series, The Canon of Vangel, you have but to CLICK HERE
My May Membership Drive on Patreon is also currently in full effect! Everyone who joins before the end of the month will be getting bonus digital comics, personalized thank you messages, and entered into a print giveaway! And that's on top of all the exclusive bonus content, like access to my 17 year back catalog of comics. CLICK HERE to become a Patreon Pal and get all of the goodies!
The entire Impure Blood saga will finally be available in it's glorious deluxe hard cover form! I could not be prouder!
I'll continue to keep you updated on the fulfillment process!
Till then, be good!
But not too good 😉
- Nathan
Good things all around!
almost 3 years ago
– Tue, May 03, 2022 at 04:06:23 PM
Happy May to ya!
Hope you're getting some spring weather where you are! Here it's been cold, even as Minnesota goes. But there's warm weather on the horizon and good news to share!
First, I'm very pleased to report that Mind Astray 2021 is %75 fulfilled and well ahead of schedule. All digital and hard copies should have found their way to their new homes by now, as well as about half of the hardcopies that have commissions. I had anticipate having all the hardcopies out by the end of may and all the commission done by the end of June, so that puts us almost two months ahead of schedule!
If you ordered a digital copy or a hardcopy without a commission and you haven't received it yet, please reach out to me so I can make it right ASAP.
The other big thing I wanted to share is that I have just launched my latest online comic project, The Canon of Vangel!
Set 10 years after a magical reawakening, a wandering paladin must face her demons (internal and extrenal) if she's going to make a last ditch effort to stop the apocalypse in progress. If you're into stuff like Dresden Files, Buffy the Vampire Slayer or Supernatural, then you are going to love The Canon of Vangel!
To celebrate the launch of my latest project I'm holding my first ever May Member Drive on Patreon!
During the entire month of May, I will be dolling out all kinds of exclusive bonuses just for the folks who sign up this month. Digital comic bundles, original art raffles, personalized shoutouts, and more! And that's on top of all the exclusive bonus content you get just for being a Patreon member!
You get cool stuff, and you make The Canon of Vangel happen.
I'll bop back to let you know when Mind Astray has wrapped completely. I think I can get it all done before June even starts! So much cool stuff goin on! I am so very excited to share it with you! This is going to be fun!
More soon!
Till then, be good!
But not too good 😉
Backerkit Surveys are out!
almost 3 years ago
– Wed, Mar 02, 2022 at 09:48:38 AM
Ladies, gentlemen, and others, I am pleased to announce that Backerkit surveys for Mind Astray are out and away! Check your inbox, check your spam folder! You can also just CLICK HERE and it will take you right to where you can fill out your survey! Physical rewards start shipping out NEXT WEEK and the digital editions are all ready to download! The sooner you get it done, the sooner I can get you your rewards!
And hey! Don't forget to Check out Cthulhu is Hard to Spell 3: Battle Royale, now live on Kickstarter!
It's the old gods versus the eldritch in this 180 page hardcover monstrosity, featuring 34 short stories from +75 creators (including yours truly). Invader Zim artist, Aaron Alexovich returns on the cover, and this book even comes with it's own theme song!
The past two books are available via the Kickstarter, AND you can download a 90 page sampler. Whether you're a new comer to the mythos, or you've long since sworn allegiance to the crawling outer chaos, there is something for all levels of Lovecraftian interest!